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Access to past AP World History exams?

Hi everyone! I'm studying for the AP World History exam and I'm looking for past APWH exams to practice with. Is there a place where I can access them or has anyone shared their experience with the old exams? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! The best way to access past AP World History exams for practice is through the College Board's AP Classroom. As a student, you should have access to the platform through your class and teacher. AP Classroom offers a significant amount of official resources, including past exam questions, tailored to help you practice and prepare for the exam. Make sure to ask your teacher if you haven't received access to this platform yet.

For additional practice questions, you can also try using AP World History review books. Many of these books contain practice tests, and some even include actual past exam questions. Keep in mind that these books are not official College Board materials, but they can still provide a valuable source of practice. Popular review books include Barron's, Princeton Review, and AMSCO World History.

By utilizing these resources, you should be able to practice both multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions, which can help improve your understanding of the material and how to approach each question type. Good luck with your studying and exam prep!

10 months ago

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