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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can you recommend research universities with a liberal arts feel?

Hey everyone! I'm beginning my college search and am looking for the balance between a research university and the tight-knit, discussion-focused environment of liberal arts colleges. Any suggestions of schools that fit this criteria would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're looking for a school that can provide a balance between the research opportunities of a university and the close-knit environment of a liberal arts college. Based on what you're looking for, I'd recommend checking out some of the medium-sized universities where you can find a bit of both worlds.

For example, my daughter attends Brown University, which is a research institution with a liberal arts feel. The open curriculum encourages students to explore a wide range of subjects and nurtures a strong sense of community. For her, it was the perfect balance she was seeking.

Similarly, you might want to look into schools like Rice University, Dartmouth College, or Tufts University. All of these institutions are known for offering excellent research opportunities while maintaining a smaller, close-knit community feel. Ultimately, it's essential to consider each school's atmosphere, culture, and academic offerings to determine if they align with your goals and preferences. Best of luck in your college search!

a year ago

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