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Are first-generation college students given extra consideration in Ivy League admissions?

Hello all, I'm a first-generation college student, and I plan on applying to some Ivy League schools. I was wondering if first-gen status would give me any extra consideration during the admissions process or if it doesn't hold much weight? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hi there, I applaud you for pursuing college as a first-generation student! To answer your question, many Ivy League schools do consider first-generation college status as a positive factor in admissions. Each school may weigh it differently, but being first-gen can help demonstrate resilience and the ability to overcome challenges.

For instance, my own child recently went through the college admissions process, and their first-gen status was mentioned in their essays and interviews. They received offers from multiple Ivy League institutions, and we believe that being first-gen played at least a small role in their success. It showcased their ability to tackle and overcome unique challenges, as they did not have the same resources as many of their peers.

While it's important to remember that first-gen status is just one aspect of your application, it's definitely worth emphasizing. Make sure to highlight any challenges you overcame or any initiatives you took to help future first-gen students. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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