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Does taking art classes look good on college applications?

Hey guys! I was thinking about taking some art classes next year, but I'm not sure if it'll look good on my college applications. Are they worth taking if I'm not planning on majoring in art? Any advice?

a year ago

Hello! Taking art classes can certainly be a positive addition to your college application, even if you don't plan on majoring in art. Engaging in a variety of courses helps demonstrate to admissions officers that you are a well-rounded individual who pursues diverse interests.

Aside from academic benefits, participating in art classes can also nurture your creativity, problem-solving skills, and ability to observe and appreciate various perspectives. These skills are valuable in any field you might choose to pursue in the future.

One example of a student I worked with took ceramics classes for two years because she enjoyed it and found it as a stress relief. It not only enriched her high school experience, but also provided a unique point of discussion during interviews. Overall, if you're interested in the subject and still able to fulfill your required courses, I encourage you to explore art classes and see how they enhance your personal and academic growth. Good luck!

a year ago

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