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Should I discuss my mental health struggles in my college essay?

Hi all, I've struggled with mental health issues in the past, and I'm considering writing about my experiences in my college essay. I want to show how I've grown and overcome challenges, but I'm worried that discussing my mental health might hurt my chances of admission. What do you think? Should I write about it or choose a different topic?

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're thinking about your college essay and how to best represent yourself. Addressing mental health struggles can be a powerful way to demonstrate growth and resilience, but it's important to approach the topic thoughtfully.

First, consider whether your mental health journey is central to your identity and has significantly shaped your life. If it has, then it may be worth discussing in your essay. However, if there are other experiences or aspects of your life that better define you, you might want to focus on those instead.

If you do decide to write about mental health, make sure to emphasize your growth, coping strategies, and the support systems that have helped you overcome challenges, rather than describing your challenge in detail. This way, you'll be showcasing your resilience and ability to thrive in college.

Ultimately, the choice is yours, and you should write about what feels most authentic to you. Good luck!

a year ago

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