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Choosing between two volunteer opportunities - what do colleges prefer?

Hey guys, I have two volunteer opportunities this summer: one at my local library and one at a homeless shelter. I can only choose one, so which one do you think would look better on my college applications?

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering volunteer opportunities for the summer. In terms of what colleges prefer, it's important to remember that they're looking for commitment and passion, more than just choosing a specific type of volunteer work.

Both options - the library and the homeless shelter - have their own unique merits. Volunteering at the library might involve organizing materials, assisting patrons, or even running events. It could be a great fit if you're interested in education, community engagement, or literature.

On the other hand, if you're more inclined towards social work or community outreach, the homeless shelter might be a better fit. There, you might work directly with residents, assist with meal preparation, or organize donations.

Choose the opportunity that you feel aligns more with your interests and goals, as demonstrating passion and genuine interest in your volunteer work will make it more impactful on your college applications. Best of luck!

a year ago

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