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What makes a college essay topic cliche or overused?

Hello, I'm brainstorming ideas for my college essays, and I've heard a lot about avoiding cliche or overused topics. What exactly makes a topic cliche, and how can I make sure my essay is unique and interesting? Thanks for any tips!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're thinking about this aspect of your college essay. A cliche topic is one that has been used repeatedly by many applicants, causing the essay to lose its impact on college admissions officers simply because it has become too common. Some examples include sports victories, mission trips, and up-close encounters with life challenges.

To avoid cliches, you'll need to dig deeper into your personal experiences. Instead of focusing on a subject that many other students have likely written about, think about unique aspects that differentiate you from your peers. It could be your particular outlook on life, an uncommon hobby, or a specific experience that is significant to you on a personal level.

An important tip is to show, not tell. Instead of just stating what you've learned or how you've changed, let your experiences speak for themselves through specific examples or stories. This can make your essay more engaging and memorable. Stay true to your voice, and don't be afraid to take risks. Being genuine and honest in your writing will help create an essay that stands out. Best of luck!

a year ago

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