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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I still apply to college if I didn't take any AP classes?

Hey guys, I'm a junior, and I haven't taken any AP classes so far. I'm worried this will hurt my chances of getting into a good college. Can I still apply to college without any AP classes on my transcript, or should I try to take some next year? Thanks for your advice!

a year ago

Hello! Absolutely, you can still apply to college even without taking any AP classes. While AP classes can be an asset on your application, they are not the only factor that colleges consider when reviewing applicants, or even one of the most important ones. If you have a good GPA, a solid extracurricular profile, and well-written essays, you'll be a strong candidate at many colleges.

It is worth noting that not having AP classes on your transcript may hurt you at the county's most competitive schools, where admissions officers want to see that you have challenged yourself academically as much as possible. If you think you may be interested in a highly selective school, and feel that you can handle an AP class or two next year, it might be worth considering to demonstrate your ability to handle academic rigor. Just remember to balance your workload and maintain a strong GPA, as there's no point in taking an AP class if you don't think you'll do well in it.

Remember, though, that all colleges look for well-rounded applicants, so focus on building a strong application overall rather than loading up on APs and accidentally stressing yourself out. Best of luck!

a year ago

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