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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Penn State considered a research-intensive university?

Hello all! I'm thinking about applying to Penn State, and I wanted to know if they are known for being a research university. If they are, would this provide me with more opportunities to get involved in research projects throughout my undergraduate experience? Thanks for any information you can provide!

a year ago

Hello! Yes, Penn State is considered a research-intensive university. It's classified as a 'R1: Doctoral University - Very high research activity' by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. This means that Penn State is involved in a significant amount of research across various disciplines, which is also reflected in the amount of funding they receive for research projects.

As an undergraduate student, you will have plenty of opportunities to get involved in research projects, both during the academic year and in the summer. Many professors are eager to involve undergraduate students in their research, and there are several programs, such as the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Connection (UROC), that you can apply for to work closely with faculty mentors or join research groups.

In addition to this particular program, there are interdisciplinary research centers on campus focusing on various subjects like energy, health, materials, and social sciences, which also offer research opportunities for students. So, if you're interested in research, Penn State would be a great choice for you! Good luck with your application, and feel free to ask more questions if you need any further information.

a year ago

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