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Can I get a student loan if my high school grades aren't the best?

I'm planning to attend college next year, and I know I'll need a student loan to cover the costs. Do bad high school grades affect my ability to get a loan, or are there other factors lenders consider when approving a loan application?

a year ago

It's great to see that you're planning for your college education. In most cases, high school grades don't have a strong impact on your ability to get a student loan. Federal student loans specifically do not take your high school grades into account when determining eligibility. Their main focus is on your financial need and citizenship status.

If you're applying for private student loans from banks or other financial institutions, they might consider factors like credit history, co-signer creditworthiness, and income. Your grades usually don't play a major role in their decision either, though.

However, maintaining good high school grades can help you when it comes to scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid. These other options can really lessen the amount you need to borrow, from the government or other sources. So, focusing on improving your grades certainly won't hurt when it comes to paying for school.

In short, your high school grades likely won't affect your ability to get a student loan, but it would nevertheless be ideal for you to aim for better grades anyways, to increase your chances of receiving a scholarship or grant. Best of luck!

a year ago

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