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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I submit FAFSA for Kent State?

Hey there! So I'm planning on applying to Kent State, and I know that I need to submit my FAFSA. Can anyone walk me through the process of listing Kent State as one of my schools on the FAFSA? Also, what's the school code for Kent State? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! I'm happy to walk you through the process of adding Kent State to your FAFSA. To ensure that your financial aid package is processed by Kent State, you'll need to list the school on your FAFSA form. Here's how:

1. Start by going to and logging in to your FAFSA account.

2. If you haven't started your FAFSA yet, click "Start Here" to create a new FAFSA. If you've already started, click "Continue" to access your existing FAFSA.

3. When you reach the "School Selection" section, you can search for Kent State University either by name or by using the federal school code for Kent State, which is 003051.

4. Choose the correct school from the search results, then click "Add." This will add Kent State to your list of schools to receive your financial aid information. You can list up to 10 colleges on the FAFSA.

5. Once you've finished the entire application, be sure to review all of the sections, sign, and submit the FAFSA. It's important to submit the FAFSA as early as possible to maximize your financial aid potential, so don't delay!

Kent State will receive your FAFSA information and use it to determine your eligibility for financial aid. Be sure to monitor your email and the university's financial aid portal for updates on your award. Good luck with your application process!

9 months ago

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