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What are some common college essay clichés to avoid?

Hey guys, I've heard that some topics are overused in college essays, and I want to avoid clichés. What are some examples of common clichés so I can steer clear of them in my writing? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Avoiding clichés is a great idea to make your college essay stand out. Here are a few topics commonly considered clichés:

1. A mission trip or volunteering experience where the main takeaway is a newfound appreciation for the life you have back home. If possible, focus on what you learned about yourself or others, and the lasting impact on your life.

2. Overcoming an injury or illness in sports. While this can be a powerful theme, it has become overly common. If you still want to write about it, try adding a unique angle or depth.

3. Describing the touchdown or game-winning shot in a sports event as a life-changing moment. This topic might not demonstrate your growth or capacity to face challenges, which is what admissions officers want to see.

4. A generic appreciation for diversity or culture. Instead, try to incorporate specific experiences that illuminate your unique insights.

5. A cliché metaphor like 'life is a journey.' Add some originality to your theme by reflecting on your personal experiences.

Check out this CollegeVine blog post for more details on clichés to avoid: https://blog.collegevine.com/common-college-essay-cliches-to-avoid/

a year ago

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