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Would a 1400 SAT score be sufficient for Ivy League schools?

Hi everyone! I recently got my SAT results and scored a 1400. I'm planning on applying to some Ivy League schools but am unsure if my score is strong enough. Should I retake the test or focus on other parts of my application? Thanks in advance for any help!

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on your 1400 SAT score, it's definitely a solid achievement. While a 1400 is a good score, the average SAT score for admitted students at many Ivy League schools tends to be around 1500. However, it's important to remember that admission to these schools isn't solely based on standardized test scores.

If you feel like you can improve your score with some more preparation, it could be worth giving the SAT another try. However, don't forget to continue working on other aspects of your college application as well. In addition to grades, Ivy League colleges place a heavy emphasis on your GPA, as well as extracurricular activities, essays, and your overall character. So, if you think you can boost your score significantly, taking another shot at the SAT might make sense. But you don't want to spend all your time studying at the expense of crafting strong essays and continuing to invest in your extracurriculars.

Also remember that the Ivy League colleges have all remained test-optional in the wake of the pandemic, so if you feel your score does not accurately reflect your academic achievements thus far and potential as a college student, you do not have to submit it.

Ultimately, decide what would be the best use of your time and energy. Sometimes it's better to focus on building a strong application overall than to spend more time on a tiny SAT score improvement. Good luck with your application process!

a year ago

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