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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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As an older student applying to college, what should I focus on?

Hello! I'm an older student (25 years old) applying to college for the first time after working for several years. What should I focus on in my application, given that my high school experiences are farther in the past? Are there any specific tips or advice for non-traditional students? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're taking the step to apply to college as a non-traditional student. In your case, it's essential to focus on your life experiences since high school, including any work experiences, professional accomplishments, and personal growth during those years.

Your personal statement, and potentially some of your supplemental essays as well, should highlight your unique story and the factors that motivated you to pursue higher education at this stage in your life. It is a chance to show the admissions committee the perspective and talents you bring to the table as an older student.

Letters of recommendation from employers or supervisors can also be very beneficial in your situation, as they can provide insight into your work ethic, character, and potential for success in college despite your non-traditional background. Additionally, don't be hesitant to explain any gaps in your education or resume, as added context could demonstrate resilience and dedication.

Lastly, as you research colleges, look into each school's resources and support systems specifically for non-traditional students. Those could include orientation programs, academic assistance, or affinity groups for students with similar backgrounds. These kinds of resources will likely make your transition to college smoother, and your time there more fulfilling overall.

Best of luck in your application journey!

a year ago

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