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Can I use my Common App essay for the Coalition App?

Hey there! Just wondering, can I use my Common App essay for my Coalition App? Are there any differences in terms of essay requirements that I should be aware of when reusing the essay? Thank you in advance!

a year ago

Hello! You can definitely use your Common App essay for your Coalition App. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when doing so.

First, keep the word count requirements for both platforms in mind. The Common App has a range of 250-650 words, while the Coalition App has a slightly more flexible range of 500-650 words. While your Common App essay will hopefully already be well above 500 words, as otherwise you're not taking full advantage of the space given to you, you want to make sure your essay is within the Coalition App's range before getting ready to submit.

Next, consider the essay prompts. The Common App has seven prompts for you to choose from, whereas the Coalition App has five. While there is some overlap between the two sets of prompts, you'll want to review them closely and ensure that your essay response effectively addresses the prompt you choose for both platforms. If you're worried that your essay doesn't align with a particular prompt on one of the platforms, you can always take advantage of the "topic of your choice" option offered on both.

Good luck with your applications! I hope this helps.

a year ago

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