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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is University of San Diego a party school?

Hey, so I've been considering applying to the University of San Diego, but I've heard rumors that it's a party school. Can anyone with experience or knowledge about USD let me know if that's true? I want an academically challenging environment.

8 months ago

While the social culture of any college can be subjective and vary depending on the group of students you surround yourself with, the University of San Diego (USD) is generally not considered a "party school."

USD is a private, Catholic university known for its strong academic programs and beautiful campus. The academic opportunities available include research, study abroad programs, and strong business, engineering, and liberal arts programs. Students there take their education seriously and strive for success.

That being said, you can find a social scene at any college, and USD is no exception. There are parties and other social events, but they will not dominate your experience at the school unless you choose to actively seek them out. What's important is that you are intentional about finding like-minded peers who share your academic priorities and interests, and engaging in activities and clubs that align with your values.

Overall, the priority at USD is academics and personal growth, but you can still definitely find a balance between your social life and academic pursuits. So, if you're considering applying to USD, go ahead and do so with confidence in the institution's focus on academics and the availability of a wider range of extracurricular activities.

In the end, your college experience will be what you make of it, and you can create an environment that supports your academic and personal goals. Good luck!

8 months ago

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