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SAT: 720 math
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Tuition for Siena College?

I'm interested in Siena College and would like to know the tuition costs. Does someone have information on the current tuition rates for Siena?

a month ago

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition cost for Siena College is approximately $44,505 per year. However, keep in mind that this figure doesn't include other expenses like room and board, meal plans, textbooks, and other fees. When you factor in these additional costs, the total cost of attendance can rise significantly.

To get a more accurate estimate of your financial responsibility, consider using Siena College's net price calculator, which takes into account factors like the student's financial situation and potential financial aid. Remember, many students receive some form of financial aid through scholarships, grants, or loans, so the net price might be lower than the listed tuition cost.

Lastly, when researching college costs, it's essential to consider factors beyond tuition, such as the quality of education, campus life, and available resources. These aspects can ultimately have a significant impact on your overall college experience.

a month ago

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