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Loyola Marymount requirements

Hey! So, I'm researching Loyola Marymount University and trying to understand their admission requirements. Can someone help me out with details about GPA, test scores, and other factors they consider? Thank you!

28 days ago

Sure! I'm happy to help you with the admission requirements for Loyola Marymount University (LMU).

1. GPA: There isn't a minimum GPA requirement for LMU; however, the average weighted high school GPA for admitted students is around 4.01. This indicates that they usually admit students with strong academic records. Keep in mind, LMU practices holistic admissions, so your GPA is just one factor under consideration.

2. Test Scores: For the 2024-2025 application cycle, LMU has adopted a test-optional policy, which means you can choose whether to submit SAT or ACT scores. If you decide to submit scores, the middle 50% range for admitted students in recent years was 1280-1430 for the SAT and 28-33 for the ACT. While submitting test scores within or above these ranges might be beneficial, remember that LMU will consider your application holistically even without test scores.

3. High School Curriculum: LMU recommends that applicants complete a rigorous high school curriculum, preferably including Honors, AP, or IB courses in various subjects such as English, Math, Science, Social Sciences, and Foreign Languages.

4. Extracurricular Activities: LMU values students who demonstrate strong involvement in extracurricular activities. They're interested in applicants who have shown leadership, commitment, and passion in their chosen activities.

5. College Essay: LMU requires a personal statement as part of the application, which helps the admissions team get to know you better. Take the opportunity to use your essay to showcase your unique personality, values, and experiences that may set you apart from other applicants. They also have an optional supplemental essay that you should answer to boost your chance of admission.

6. Letters of Recommendation: LMU requires one letter of recommendation, typically from a teacher or counselor who knows your academic abilities and personal strengths.

7. Additional Materials: Depending on your intended major, LMU may also require a portfolio or audition. For example, some programs in the College of Communication and Fine Arts or the School of Film and Television require you to submit additional materials showcasing your work.

In summary, LMU considers your academic performance, test scores (if submitted), extracurricular involvement, essay, and recommendation letter when evaluating your application. They practice holistic admissions, so having strong components in multiple areas can increase your chances of acceptance.

I hope this gives you a clearer understanding of the admission requirements for Loyola Marymount University. Good luck in your application process!

28 days ago

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