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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Holy Cross: Jesuit School?

I'm a high school junior who's interested in attending a Jesuit university. I came across College of the Holy Cross in my search and was wondering if it's a Jesuit school. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

8 months ago

Yes, the College of the Holy Cross is a Jesuit institution. Founded in 1843 in Worcester, Massachusetts, Holy Cross is the oldest exclusively undergraduate Catholic college in the United States. The college follows the Jesuit tradition of promoting rigorous academic inquiry, personal growth, and a commitment to social justice. As a Jesuit school, Holy Cross encourages students to engage in a well-balanced liberal arts education, which emphasizes critical thinking, effective communication, and ethical leadership. In addition, there's a strong focus on service to others as a core principle in the Jesuit tradition.

8 months ago

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