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Cooper Union SAT score requirements?

I'm considering applying to Cooper Union and I'm wondering what the average SAT scores are for admitted students. Can you guys give me some insight? I'd appreciate any information or advice you might have. Thanks!

27 days ago

Cooper Union is a highly selective institution, and your SAT score does play a role in the admissions decision. However, for the 2024-2025 application cycle, Cooper Union has adopted a test-optional policy, which means submitting your SAT or ACT scores is not required.

That being said, if you choose to submit your SAT scores, it's helpful to know how your scores compare to those of admitted students. In recent years, the middle 50% of SAT scores for admitted students at Cooper Union have been:

- SAT Reading and Writing: 670-740

- SAT Math: 710-790

So, aiming for at least a 1390 composite score (out of 1600) would place you within the competitive range for Cooper Union. Keep in mind, these score ranges are for reference only, and the admissions process is holistic, which means they take other factors into account as well, such as your GPA, extracurriculars, essays, and personal qualities. If your score falls below the middle 50% range, don't be discouraged; a strong application in other aspects can still increase your chances of being admitted.

Lastly, remember that the decision to submit your test scores is up to you. If you feel confident that your SAT scores represent your abilities and will improve your overall application, then go ahead and submit them. Conversely, if you believe your scores might weaken your application, you can choose not to include them, and the admissions committee will focus on other aspects of your profile.

Good luck with your application to Cooper Union!

27 days ago

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