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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Examples of PWI colleges?

Hi, I've been hearing the term 'PWI' a lot lately (Predominantly White Institution), and I'm wondering if anyone can provide a list of some well-known PWI colleges. Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! A Predominantly White Institution (PWI) refers to a college or university where the majority of the student population is white. Many well-known colleges and universities in the United States fall into this category. Here are some examples of notable PWI colleges:

1. Ivy League schools such as:

- Harvard University

- Yale University

- Princeton University

- University of Pennsylvania

- Columbia University

2. Other highly-ranked private institutions like:

- Stanford University

- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

- Duke University

- University of Notre Dame

- Washington University in St. Louis

3. Renowned state flagship universities, including:

- University of Michigan

- University of Virginia

- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

- University of Florida

- University of Wisconsin–Madison

4. Top liberal arts colleges such as:

- Williams College

- Amherst College

- Swarthmore College

- Middlebury College

- Pomona College

It's important to note that these examples are just a small selection of the numerous PWI institutions in the country. While predominantly white, many of these colleges actively work to create a diverse and inclusive campus environment and offer various resources for students from underrepresented backgrounds. If you're interested in learning about Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), or other schools with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, there are plenty of resources and lists available to guide your search.

8 months ago

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