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Is it difficult to get accepted into Dartmouth?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about applying to Dartmouth, but I'm a little concerned about the competitiveness of getting in. Could anyone share their experiences or tips on what it takes to be a strong candidate for Dartmouth?

28 days ago

Dartmouth College is an Ivy League institution and admissions are indeed highly competitive. For the Class of 2028, the acceptance rate was around 6.9%. But don't let the numbers discourage you; focus on presenting the best application you can and showcasing your unique qualities and achievements.

To be a strong candidate, you should aim for a high GPA and, if applicable, strong SAT or ACT scores. Remember that, as of the 2024-2025 application cycle, Dartmouth is no longer test-optional, so you'll need to submit standardized test scores. Also, make sure you're challenging yourself academically by taking rigorous courses such as AP, IB, or Honors classes, if they're available at your school.

Extracurricular activities also play a crucial role in your application. Dartmouth is looking for students who have excelled in one or more areas and demonstrated leadership or significant involvement in their activities. It's better to have a few meaningful, high-level extracurriculars (Tier 1 or Tier 2) rather than many less-engaging ones. Passion and commitment are key.

Moreover, Dartmouth requires an essay, which is your chance to add a personal touch to your application and showcase your personality, interests, and writing skills. Choose a topic that is unique, interesting, or meaningful to you, and be genuine in sharing your story with the admissions officers.

Additionally, Dartmouth is one of the few highly selective schools that considers demonstrated interest, so showing genuine interest in the college can be beneficial. Attend college fairs, join virtual events, and engage with social media to learn more about the school and its programs.

Lastly, strong recommendation letters from teachers and counselors who know you well and can speak to your academic abilities, character, and potential can also bolster your application.

No one can guarantee admission to a school as competitive as Dartmouth, but by focusing on your academic performance, extracurriculars, essay, and recommendation letters, you can put your best foot forward and increase your chances of success. Good luck on your application!

28 days ago

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