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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What GPA is needed for admission to Texas A&M?

Hi everyone, I'm interested in applying to Texas A&M, but I'm not sure if my GPA is competitive enough. Does anyone know the average GPA or the range of GPAs for accepted students at A&M? Would appreciate any info!

28 days ago

Hi there! Texas A&M considers both your unweighted GPA and the rigor of your coursework when reviewing your application. While there isn't a strict GPA requirement, it's important to be competitive relative to other applicants. To give you an idea of what they typically accept, the middle 50% of admitted freshmen have a high school rank ranging from the top 12% to the top 33% of their class. In terms of GPA, the middle 50% have GPAs ranging approximately from 3.6 to 4.0 on a 4.0 scale.

It's essential to remember that Texas A&M, like many universities, uses a holistic review process, meaning that they will consider other factors in your application, such as extracurricular activities, test scores (if you choose to submit them), essays, and other achievements. If your GPA falls below that range or your class rank is lower than the middle 50%, it does not necessarily mean you won't be admitted. Strong extracurricular involvement and solid essays demonstrating who you are and how you will contribute to the campus community can help strengthen your application.

Good luck with your application!

28 days ago

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