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GPA requirements for Notre Dame?

Hello everyone! Notre Dame is one of my top choices for college, but I'm not exactly sure what GPA they're looking for. Does anyone know the average GPA of accepted students or any personal stories about getting in? Any input is greatly appreciated!

26 days ago

Notre Dame, like many top universities, does not have an explicit minimum GPA requirement for applicants. The admissions process is holistic and evaluates students based on several factors, including GPA, test scores, essays, extracurricular activities, and other achievements.

That said, you can get a general sense of the GPA range for accepted students by looking at the average GPA of admitted students. At Notre Dame, the average unweighted high school GPA of admitted students is around a 4.06 (on a 4.0 scale). The 25th-75th percentile range, which includes the middle 50% of accepted students, is approximately 3.8-4.1, so most students who get accepted typically have a GPA in that range or higher.

Keep in mind that Notre Dame is a highly competitive school, and the admissions process is holistic. A strong GPA is just one part of what it takes to get in. You'll also need to demonstrate excellence in other areas like standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership, and personal qualities through your essays. It's essential to have a well-rounded application that distinguishes you from other applicants and showcases your unique talents and strengths.

If your GPA is slightly below the range mentioned above, don't be discouraged! There are still ways to make your application stand out, such as showing significant improvement over time, taking challenging courses, and having exceptional extracurricular involvement or accomplishments.

So, while there is no specific GPA requirement for Notre Dame, aiming for a 3.8-4.1 unweighted GPA or higher will put you in a competitive position. And don't forget to focus on other aspects of your application to strengthen your chances even more. Good luck!

26 days ago

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