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What are the requirements for a Cambridge Diploma?

Hey everyone! I was just wondering what the requirements are for earning a Cambridge Diploma. Can anyone provide some details on what courses or exams I need to take and what scores I should aim for to achieve this diploma?

7 months ago

The Cambridge Diploma is awarded by Cambridge Assessment International Education, which offers the internationally recognized Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) Diploma. This diploma is based on the Cambridge International AS and A Level qualifications.

To earn the Cambridge AICE Diploma, you must complete and pass a minimum of 6 credit-bearing Cambridge International AS and A Level subjects. The subjects should come from 3 distinct subject areas, which are:

1. Mathematics & Science

2. Languages

3. Arts & Humanities

The diploma also requires that students take at least one subject from each group. In addition, you need to achieve a minimum of 60 credits, out of a possible 140 credits, across these subjects. The way credits are allocated is:

- A Grade at A Level = 20 credits

- B Grade at A Level = 16 credits

- C Grade at A Level = 12 credits

- D Grade at A Level = 10 credits

- E Grade at A Level = 8 credits

- A Grade at AS Level = 10 credits

- B Grade at AS Level = 8 credits

- C Grade at AS Level = 6 credits

- D Grade at AS Level = 4 credits

- E Grade at AS Level = 2 credits

One key feature of the Cambridge AICE Diploma is its flexibility, allowing you to choose a combination of subjects that suits your strengths and interests.

To achieve this diploma, it is advisable to aim for the highest grades possible in your selected subjects. While there isn't a specific score you should target, focusing on consistent academic performance across all your chosen subjects is crucial for maximizing your chance of earning the Cambridge AICE Diploma.

To prepare for exam success, ensure that you understand the subject syllabus and the assessment requirements for each course. This typically involves internal assessments, as well as external examinations that take place during the May/June and/or October/November exam series.

Remember to consult your teachers or school administrators as they'll be well-equipped to guide you through the specific requirements and preparations for the Cambridge AICE Diploma.

7 months ago

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