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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Boston University in-state tuition?

Hi! I'm currently a junior and I've been looking into Boston University as one of my top choices. Being a Massachusetts resident, does anyone know if there's a significant difference in tuition for in-state students? Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!

28 days ago

Boston University is a private institution, and unlike public universities, private universities typically don't differentiate tuition rates based on residency status. This means that whether you're a Massachusetts resident or an out-of-state student, the tuition cost remains the same for everyone. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated cost of tuition and fees at Boston University is around $66,670. Keep in mind that this cost does not include housing, meal plans, or other miscellaneous expenses.

Don't forget to explore financial aid and scholarship options, as many private universities like Boston University offer substantial financial aid packages to students based on need and merit. Be sure to complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile to maximize your financial aid eligibility. Good luck!

28 days ago

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