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Biggest colleges in North Carolina?

Hi! I'm from North Carolina and would like to stay in-state for college. Can someone help me out with a list of the biggest colleges here? I want to consider different options before applying.

27 days ago

Hi! It's great that you're considering staying in-state for college. North Carolina has some fantastic institutions offering diverse academic and social experiences. Here are several of the largest colleges and universities in North Carolina, listed in no particular order:

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill) - A top-ranked public research university, well-known for its strong programs in business, health professions, and journalism.

2. North Carolina State University (NC State) - Located in Raleigh, NC State is renowned for its engineering, agricultural sciences, and technology programs.

3. East Carolina University (ECU) - A public research university in Greenville that offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, including strong programs in education and nursing.

4. University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) - Located in the state's largest city, UNC Charlotte has notable programs in business, engineering, and health professions.

5. Appalachian State University - A public university in Boone, it is known for its strong education, health sciences, and sustainable development programs.

6. University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC Greensboro) - A public university in Greensboro, UNC Greensboro is recognized for its performing arts programs, among other majors.

7. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T) - Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in Greensboro with strong programs in engineering, business, and agriculture.

8. Duke University - A prestigious private research university in Durham, Duke is renowned for its programs in health professions, economics, and engineering.

9. Wake Forest University - A private research university in Winston-Salem, Wake Forest is known for its strong business, liberal arts, and health and exercise science programs.

These are some of the biggest schools in North Carolina, varying in size, focus, and prestige. I encourage you to research these institutions further to get a better understanding of their offerings and campus cultures. Good luck with your search and applications!

27 days ago

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