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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is the SAT really easy?

Hey guys! I've been hearing some say that the SAT is easy, while others say it's challenging. What's your experience with the SAT? Were there any particular sections that you found easier or harder than you expected?

5 months ago

While individual experiences with the SAT can vary, the test is designed to be challenging and assess a student's abilities in critical reading, mathematics, and writing/language skills. The test is intended to be a standardized measure of college readiness, so that colleges can compare students from different high schools and backgrounds fairly.

In general, some test-takers may find certain sections of the SAT more manageable than others, depending on their strengths and weaknesses. For example, students who excel in mathematics might find the math sections of the SAT easier than the reading and writing sections. Conversely, those with strong verbal skills might be more comfortable with the reading and writing sections.

To prepare for the SAT, it's essential to practice regularly, familiarize yourself with the format of the test, and target your weak areas in particular. Many students find that taking timed practice tests and using test prep resources, such as the Official SAT Study Guide and online resources like Khan Academy and CollegeVine, can be incredibly helpful in building familiarity and confidence.

Ultimately, whether the SAT is "easy" or challenging depends on the test-taker's individual skills, knowledge, and preparedness. Be sure to practice and study consistently, so you can feel confident going into the test.

5 months ago

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