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Accessing my IB scores?

Hey everyone, I'm not sure how to check my IB scores. Does anyone know the process for accessing them? Thanks for the help!

8 months ago

Absolutely! To access your International Baccalaureate (IB) scores, follow these steps:

1. Go to the IB Candidate Results website (

2. You will need your personal code and PIN; these are usually provided by your school's IB coordinator. If you don't have this information, check with your coordinator as they can provide it to you.

3. Enter your personal code and PIN into the respective fields on the login page.

4. Once you've logged in, your IB scores should be displayed on the main page. You can view your subject-specific scores as well as your overall IB Diploma score if applicable.

Remember that your scores are released based on the date specified by the IB organization, typically in early July for May examination sessions and early January for November examination sessions. If your scores haven't been released yet, you'll have to wait until the scheduled release date to view them.

I hope this helps, and congratulations on completing the IB program!

8 months ago

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