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Lehigh University admissions requirements?

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior and I've been looking into Lehigh University. I'm really intrigued by their programs, but I'm not sure about their admissions requirements. Can anyone here share some details regarding the requirements for Lehigh? I appreciate any help!

27 days ago

Hello! Lehigh University is a great choice, and I'm glad to help with your question on admissions requirements. Here's an overview of what you'll need for applying to Lehigh University:

1. Common Application or Coalition Application: Lehigh accepts both applications, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Make sure to fill all the required sections.

2. Lehigh Writing Supplement: As part of your application, you'll need to submit a writing supplement specific to Lehigh University, which usually includes a few short essay prompts.

3. High School Transcript: Submit an official transcript that reflects your coursework and grades from all years of high school. Lehigh uses the transcript to evaluate your academic performance and rigor of your curriculum.

4. Standardized Testing Scores: Lehigh University is test optional, so you have the choice of whether you want to submit ACT or SAT scores with your application. If you feel that your scores will boost your application, feel free to include them.

5. Letters of Recommendation: You should submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher in a core academic areas. In addition, Lehigh recommends submitting one letter from a counselor, though this is not required.

6. School Report: Your school counselor must complete a school report, which provides information about your high school, its curriculum, grading system, and class rank, if available.

7. Extracurricular Activities and Honors: Lehigh values a well-balanced application, so highlighting your extracurricular involvement, achievements, and any honors you've received is crucial.

Here is a quick summary of the priority deadlines for applications:

- Early Decision I: November 1

- Early Decision II: January 1

- Regular Decision: January 1

Keep in mind that these are the priority deadlines, and schools may still accept applications afterward on a rolling basis, if space permits. It's always best to submit your application by the priority deadline to ensure the best consideration.

Good luck with your application to Lehigh University! Let me know if you have any other questions.

27 days ago

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