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EIU Majors

Hey everyone! I'm currently researching Eastern Illinois University (EIU) and trying to narrow down my major choices. What undergraduate majors are they best known for or are particularly strong in? Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated!

26 days ago

Eastern Illinois University (EIU) offers a variety of undergraduate majors across different disciplines. While it has many strong programs, some majors stand out due to their reputation, resources, and graduate outcomes.

1. Education: EIU has a long-standing reputation for its education programs. With a strong focus on practical experience and student teaching, many graduates go on to be successful teachers in various fields, such as elementary, secondary, and special education.

2. Business: The Lumpkin College of Business and Technology is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and provides a solid foundation in various business disciplines, including marketing, finance, management, and accounting.

3. Kinesiology and Sports Studies: EIU's kinesiology program offers concentrations in exercise science, sports management, and physical education teacher certification. Graduates often find employment in health and fitness, sports management, corporate wellness, and coaching/teaching.

4. Communication Studies: The communication studies program allows students to specialize in areas like public relations, journalism, or broadcasting. Many graduates have landed positions in media outlets, PR firms, and digital marketing agencies.

5. Biological Sciences: EIU offers multiple tracks within its biological sciences program, catering to students interested in fields such as ecology, molecular biology, pre-health, and neuroscience. The school has modern research facilities and labs to support undergraduate research experiences.

These are just a few of the notable undergraduate majors at EIU. Make sure to explore the university website to find a major that aligns with your interests and career goals. Also, consider reaching out to current students or alumni to gain more insight into specific programs. Good luck with your search!

26 days ago

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