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Applying to City Tech

Hello! I'm interested in applying to City Tech, but I'm not exactly sure about their admissions process. Can anyone help shed some light on the application process and what they look for in prospective students?

28 days ago

Sure! City Tech, officially known as the New York City College of Technology, is a public college that's part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Here's a breakdown of the application process and what the college looks for in prospective students:

1. Application: To apply to City Tech, you'll need to complete the CUNY Application, which serves as a centralized application for all CUNY colleges. You can complete and submit the application online via the CUNY website. The priority application deadlines for the Fall semester are generally mid-February, though applications are accepted on a rolling basis after that until each individual program reaches capacity.

2. High School Transcript: City Tech will review your high school transcript to determine your eligibility for admission. A solid academic record with a strong emphasis on core subjects (math, science, English, and social studies) is desirable. Be sure to have your high school send your official transcript to the CUNY Admissions office as part of your application.

3. Test Scores: As of now, City Tech does not require the submission of SAT or ACT scores for admission (but double-check on their website for updates regarding this policy). However, you may still submit your scores if you believe they will strengthen your application.

4. English Proficiency: If you're an international applicant or an applicant for whom English is not your first language, you may be required to demonstrate English proficiency through a test like TOEFL or IELTS. Check the City Tech website for specific requirements and minimum score guidelines.

City Tech generally focuses on your academic performance in high school and your ability to succeed in college-level courses. Extracurricular activities, while not required, can help contextualize your academic performance and show your interests. Make sure to highlight any relevant experiences or achievements in your application.

Lastly, don't forget to consider financial aid! Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to access federal and state financial aid, as well as any institutional grants or scholarships that City Tech may offer.

Good luck with your application! City Tech offers a wide range of programs, including popular fields like engineering, computer science, communications, and health sciences, and boasts a strong reputation for excellent hands-on learning experiences.

28 days ago

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