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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Virginia Tech: Competitive GPA?

Hey guys! I'm planning on applying to Virginia Tech and I'm curious about the GPA they tend to look for in their applicants. What GPA should I be aiming for to increase my chances of being admitted? Thank you!

27 days ago

You're right to consider your GPA when applying to Virginia Tech—it's an important factor in the admissions process. To be a competitive applicant for Virginia Tech, you'll want to aim for a GPA that's at or above the average for admitted students.

At Virginia Tech, the average high school GPA for accepted students is around 4.0 on a weighted scale. This means that, generally speaking, you should be aiming for a 4.0 or higher to be seen as competitive. However, it's worth noting that Virginia Tech conducts a comprehensive, holistic review of each application, so even if your GPA falls slightly below the average, other factors like your extracurriculars, essays, and course rigor could still make you a strong candidate.

Ultimately, maintaining a strong GPA throughout high school and challenging yourself with rigorous coursework will make for a stronger application. Good luck with your application to Virginia Tech!

27 days ago

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