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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does ASU calculate GPA for admissions?

Hey, everyone! I'm trying to figure out how Arizona State University calculates high school GPA for admissions. Do they consider all four years of high school, or just specific ones? Do they use weighted or unweighted GPA?

5 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) calculates high school GPA for admissions based on all four years of high school coursework. They do take into account both weighted and unweighted GPAs; however, they may recalibrate your GPA according to their specific admissions criteria, which can sometimes lead to a different GPA from what's on your high school transcript.

When calculating your GPA, ASU typically looks at core academic courses (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Foreign Languages) and uses a 4.0 scale. Weighted GPAs are considered, giving extra points for classes like Honors, AP, and IB, but keep in mind that ASU may have a different weighting system than your high school. Therefore, it's essential to check the specific requirements for your intended program or major, as some may have different GPA criteria.

To make sure you understand ASU's GPA requirements and get other admission-related information, it's a good idea to visit their website or contact the admissions office to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Good luck with your application!

5 months ago

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