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Mills College admissions process?

Hey everyone! As a junior, I'm starting to look into colleges and Mills College caught my eye. Does anyone have any experiences with their admissions process? Tips and advice would be much appreciated!

24 days ago

Hello! While I haven't personally been through the Mills College admissions process, I can definitely provide you with some pointers based on what is generally known about the process. Mills College is a small, private liberal arts college in Oakland, California. It recently transitioned to Mills Institute by merging with Northeastern University, which might have some impact on the application process and requirements. Here's a quick breakdown of some things to keep in mind while applying:

1. Requirements and Deadlines: Mills College accepts the Common Application. Make sure you have all the necessary documents such as your high school transcript, personal essay, and letters of recommendation. The deadlines for application vary based on the type of decision you choose. Mills offers Early Action (non-binding) with a deadline around November 15th and Regular Decision with a deadline around January 15th. Be sure to check the college website for the most up-to-date information on deadlines.

2. Test Scores: For the current 2024-2025 application cycle, Mills College is test-optional, meaning you don't have to submit your SAT or ACT scores if you prefer not to. However, if you believe your test scores can strengthen your application, you can choose to submit your scores.

3. Essay: Your personal essay should highlight your unique experiences, perspective, and what you can bring to Mills College. To stand out, avoid generic or cliché topics, and focus on presenting an authentic story that reflects your character and how it aligns with the college's values.

4. Extracurriculars: Mills College is known for its close-knit community and commitment to social justice. When discussing your extracurricular activities, emphasize your involvement in community service, leadership positions, or any activities that align with Mills' core values.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Mills College requires at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher and another from a school counselor. Choose a teacher who knows you well, and can speak to your academic strengths, character, and interests.

6. Financial Aid: Submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile by their respective deadlines to be considered for need-based financial aid. Mills College offers various scholarships, including merit-based, specialized, and transfer scholarships.

7. Interviews: Mills College offers optional admissions interviews, which can help you showcase your personality and demonstrate interest in the college. If available, consider scheduling an interview to enhance your application.

In summary, to have a competitive application to Mills College, focus on showcasing your unique experiences, commitment to social justice, and academic achievements. Stay on top of deadlines, requirements, and ensure your personal essay and letters of recommendation help paint a vivid picture of who you are. Good luck with your application!

24 days ago

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