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Lee University GPA requirements?

Hey there, I'm currently a junior and looking into Lee University as one of my potential college options. Does anyone know what the GPA requirements are for admission? I couldn't find a specific number online, and I'm just trying to see if I have a good shot at getting in. Thanks, guys!

5 months ago

Hello! While Lee University doesn't have a specific GPA requirement for admission, they do provide some information on the average academic profile of their incoming students. According to the latest information, the average high school GPA for incoming freshmen is around 3.63, but this is just an average, and there is a range of GPAs for admitted students.

It is important to note that Lee University considers multiple factors in their admissions process apart from GPA, such as your coursework rigor, extracurricular involvement, and personal essays. So, even if you have a slightly lower GPA, other aspects of your application can help you stand out.

That being said, it's a good idea to aim for a competitive GPA and continue to focus on your academics throughout your junior and senior years. Try to challenge yourself with tougher classes and maintain a strong work ethic to boost your chances of admission. Good luck!

5 months ago

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