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What are the tuition costs at Eastern Kentucky University?

Hello, I've been checking out colleges and Eastern Kentucky University caught my attention. How much would tuition cost there, typically? I'd love to get more insight into the expenses for students attending Eastern Kentucky University. Thanks for your assistance!

27 days ago

Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) has different tuition rates depending on the student's residency status. As of the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition costs at EKU are as follows:

For in-state undergraduate students:

- Full-time rate (12+ credits per semester): $4,915 per semester

For out-of-state undergraduate students:

- Full-time rate (12+ credits per semester): $10,260 per semester

Please keep in mind that these tuition rates are for the current academic year and can change in the future. Also, note that these costs are for the tuition only, and additional expenses such as room and board, fees, and textbooks will also need to be factored into the overall cost of attendance.

You can also use Eastern Kentucky University's Net Price Calculator to get an estimate of the total college expenses, including financial aid, to help you in your planning and budgeting. I'd recommend looking into scholarships and grants offered by EKU and other external sources, as these can considerably reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

Remember that financial aid packages can vary from student to student and can help to offset the costs. Make sure you submit your FAFSA and, if eligible, apply for any scholarships or financial aid opportunities that you come across.

27 days ago

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