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Boston University Tuition and Fees

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Boston University, but I have no idea how much it's going to cost. Could someone please provide me with the current tuition and fees for BU? Also, are there any additional costs I should be aware of, like housing or meal plans?

27 days ago

Hi! You're right to look into the costs associated with attending Boston University. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition and fees at BU are as follows:

- Tuition: $66,670

- Fees: $1,432

This brings the total for tuition and fees to approximately $68,102 for one academic year.

However, there are additional expenses you'll need to account for, such as housing and meal plans. Here's what you can expect:

- Housing: The cost for on-campus housing varies depending on the type of residence you choose, but it is typically around $12,180 per year.

- Meal Plans: The cost for meal plans also varies depending on the specific plan you choose. You can expect to pay around $6,840 per year for a meal plan.

Keep in mind that these costs don't include other miscellaneous expenses like textbooks, travel, personal items, and entertainment. It's a good idea to consider and budget for these as well. With all these factors taken into consideration, the total cost of attendance at BU could range from $85,000 to $90,000 per year.

Don't forget to look into the financial aid opportunities available at BU. Make sure to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine your eligibility for federal and institutional aid. BU offers need-based financial aid, grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs to help offset the costs.

Good luck with the application process, and I hope this helps you better understand the costs associated with attending Boston University!

27 days ago

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