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Michigan University requirements?

What's up everyone? So I've been looking into different universities in Michigan, and I'm curious about the general requirements (GPA, SAT/ACT, extracurriculars) for getting into schools like MSU or UMich. Any help would be fantastic!

7 months ago

Hello! I'd be happy to provide some information on the admissions requirements and general applicant profile for Michigan State University (MSU) and the University of Michigan (UMich).

For Michigan State University:

1. GPA: MSU doesn't have a specific minimum GPA requirement, but most admitted students have a GPA of 3.5 or above.

2. SAT/ACT: MSU is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, which means that submitting standardized test scores is not required. However, if you decide to submit your scores, here are the middle 50% ranges for admitted students:

- SAT: 1100-1320

- ACT: 23-29

3. Extracurriculars: MSU doesn't have a set number of extracurricular activities that you need to participate in, but it's a good idea to be involved in a few activities that demonstrate your interests, skills, and leadership potential.

For the University of Michigan:

1. GPA: While UMich does not have a minimum GPA requirement, the average admitted student has a GPA of around 3.9. A competitive applicant would typically have a high GPA, with a rigorous course load that includes AP or IB classes.

2. SAT/ACT: UMich is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle. If you choose to submit your test scores, here are the middle 50% ranges for admitted students:

- SAT: 1330-1510

- ACT: 30-34

3. Extracurriculars: Like MSU, UMich doesn't specify how many extracurriculars applicants should have; however, most successful applicants have 8-10 extracurricular activities. These activities should showcase a combination of leadership, commitment, and skills in your areas of interest. A "spike" or a highly-developed specialty in a particular field can also make your application stand out.

Keep in mind that both universities use a holistic review process, which means that they'll look at other factors such as essays, letters of recommendation, and potential fit when making admission decisions. Best of luck with your applications!

7 months ago

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