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Columbus State University Tuition and Aid?

Hey everybody, I've been considering applying to Columbus State University and I was wondering what their tuition costs are like. Are there any notable scholarships or financial aid packages available?

7 months ago

Columbus State University is a public institution located in Georgia, and its tuition costs are relatively affordable compared to many private institutions. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated tuition for in-state students is around $2,731, while out-of-state students can expect to pay approximately $9,640 (these figures don't include additional fees, room and board, or other living expenses).

Columbus State University offers various scholarships and financial aid opportunities for eligible students. Some of the notable scholarships include:

1. Presidential Scholarship: This full-tuition scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding academic credentials. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA to continue receiving this scholarship throughout their undergraduate studies.

2. Tower Scholarship: This scholarship provides $2,500 per year to students with strong academic records. To maintain the award, students must maintain a 3.25 GPA.

3. Honors College Scholarships: Various scholarship opportunities are available for students who are part of the Honors College, may be up to $1,250 per year.

Additionally, you can look for external scholarships and grants based on your specific interests and background. Organizations, foundations, and businesses often offer scholarships to help students fund their education.

To be considered for financial aid, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it opens on October 1st, as this will assess your eligibility for federal grants, work-study, and loans. Columbus State University's FAFSA code is 001561. Completing the FAFSA will also help you access need-based aid provided by the university, the state of Georgia, and other sources.

Remember to utilize the Net Price Calculator on Columbus State University's Financial Aid website to get an estimate of your total costs and aid. This will help you better understand how to make college more affordable before you apply.

7 months ago

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