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How expensive is Stevens Institute of Technology?

Hello everyone, I've been looking into applying to Stevens Institute of Technology, but I'm concerned about the cost. Can someone give me an idea of the current tuition, and any ways to make it more affordable through financial aid or scholarships?

7 months ago

Stevens Institute of Technology is indeed a great school but can come with a substantial price tag. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated cost of attending Stevens Institute of Technology, including tuition, fees, room, board, books, and miscellaneous comes to around $84,906 per year for undergraduate students. This is a significant expense, but there are several options to help offset the cost through financial aid and scholarships.

First, make sure you fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for need-based financial aid from the federal government, state government, and the school itself. As a private institution, Stevens Institute of Technology offers a variety of need-based grants and scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need. So, completing the FAFSA is essential to determining what assistance you may receive.

In addition to need-based aid, Stevens offers several merit-based scholarships. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership qualities, and other factors. Some of the merit-based scholarships at Stevens include the Stevens Scholars Program, and Pinnacle Scholars. Prospective students do not need to apply separately for these scholarships and are automatically considered during the admission process.

You should also explore external scholarship opportunities not directly affiliated with Stevens Institute of Technology. Numerous organizations, companies, and foundations offer scholarships based on factors such as academic performance, personal interests, extracurricular activities, or cultural background. Conducting a thorough search online or using free scholarship search platforms can help identify potential sources of funding.

Lastly, bear in mind that work-study opportunities, both on and off-campus, can help supplement your financial aid package. Once again, completing the FAFSA is important, as it will determine your eligibility for federal work-study programs.

In conclusion, while the cost of attending Stevens Institute of Technology is quite high, there are several options for financial aid and scholarships to help make it more affordable. Thorough research and early application for aid can make a significant difference in easing the financial burden for you and your family.

7 months ago

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