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University of South Florida Tuition and Fees

Hi everyone! I'm planning to apply to the University of South Florida and I'm curious about their current tuition and associated fees. Can anyone fill me in on the costs of attending USF? Thank you so much in advance!

7 months ago

Hi! Great that you're considering the University of South Florida. I'm happy to help you with some details regarding the tuition and fees for USF.

As of 2024-2025, here's a general breakdown of the tuition and fees for undergraduate students at the University of South Florida:

For in-state students:

- Tuition and Fees: approximately $6,410 per year

- Housing and Meal Plan (room and board): approximately $14,440 per year

- Estimated Total Cost (including tuition, fees, room, and board): $20,850 per year

For out-of-state students:

- Tuition and Fees: approximately $17,324 per year

- Housing and Meal Plan (room and board): approximately $14,440 per year

- Estimated Total Cost (including tuition, fees, room, and board): $31,764 per year

Please note that these numbers are estimates and can change from year to year. Additionally, costs may vary depending on your selected housing option, meal plan, or if you opt to participate in any special programs or services.

Don't forget to also factor in additional costs such as books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. You should also fill out the FAFSA to determine your eligibility for federal and state financial aid, as this can significantly impact your final out-of-pocket costs. You may also want to explore the availability of scholarships or grants through USF or other external organizations to help offset some of these expenses.

It's always a good idea to use the University of South Florida's Net Price Calculator to get a more accurate estimate of your individual cost based on your unique financial circumstances. This will help you get a better understanding of what your tuition and fees might look like and help you plan accordingly.

I hope this helps you in your college planning! Good luck with your application to USF!

7 months ago

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