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Columbia University tuition and financial aid?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in Columbia University but I'm not sure about the tuition cost. How much should I expect to pay for tuition? How generous is their financial aid program?

25 days ago

Columbia University is known for its generous financial aid policies. The tuition cost for the 2024-2025 academic year is approximately $68,400, and the total cost of attendance, including room, board, and other fees, comes to around $89,587. However, it's crucial to remember that these are just the sticker prices; many students pay much less than that due to financial aid.

Columbia is a need-blind institution and meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted undergraduate students, both domestic and international. The university is committed to making education accessible to all, regardless of their financial background. Its financial aid program involves a combination of grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and student loans. Grants and scholarships awarded by Columbia do not need to be repaid, making them a critical source of funding for many students.

To get an idea of how much financial aid you might receive, you can use Columbia's online Net Price Calculator to estimate the amount you would have to pay based on your family's financial circumstances. This estimation tool will provide you with a clearer picture of how much you might have to pay out of pocket.

In summary, Columbia is known for its generous financial aid programs and meets the full demonstrated need of its students. While tuition and fees might seem high on paper, Columbia's commitment to accessibility ensures that many students do not pay the full sticker price. Use the Net Price Calculator to get an estimation tailored to your situation, and don't hesitate to apply if you feel Columbia is the right fit for you.

25 days ago

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