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Best colleges close to Santa Monica

Hey! I'm currently a high school junior, and I'm starting to look at colleges. I love Santa Monica and want to stay close by. Can you suggest some of the best colleges in the area? I'm open to exploring various majors. Thanks!

a month ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're starting to think about college options. Staying close to Santa Monica offers a variety of excellent institutions. Here are a few of the best colleges in the Los Angeles area:

1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): A top public research university located in the Westwood neighborhood, about 5 miles from Santa Monica. Known for its strong programs across various disciplines — including engineering, social sciences, healthcare, and the arts — UCLA has something for everyone.

2. University of Southern California (USC): A private research university located in downtown Los Angeles, approximately 15 miles from Santa Monica. USC offers strong programs in business, engineering, film, and more.

3. Loyola Marymount University (LMU): A private Jesuit university in Westchester, just 3 miles from Santa Monica. Known for its programs in film, business, and liberal arts, LMU provides a close-knit campus community with a focus on social justice.

4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): A private research university in Pasadena, around 25 miles from Santa Monica. Caltech is renowned for its STEM programs and offers a highly-focused academic experience with a strong emphasis on research.

5. Occidental College: A small, private liberal arts college located in the Eagle Rock neighborhood, approximately 20 miles from Santa Monica. Occidental emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, providing students with opportunities to explore various fields of study.

6. Pepperdine University: A private Christian university in Malibu, about 14 miles from Santa Monica. With strong programs in business, psychology, and communications, Pepperdine is known for its picturesque campus overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Remember that the best college for you depends on factors such as campus culture, academic program offerings, and financial aid availability. Make sure to visit campuses or attend virtual events to get a feel for each school. Best of luck with your college search!

a month ago

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