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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NYU diversity: what should I know?

Hey fellow applicants! I'm interested in applying to NYU, and I heard it's pretty diverse. Does anyone know more about the cultural, ethnic, and international diversity at NYU? Thanks in advance!

25 days ago

Hello! NYU is indeed known for its impressive diversity, which can be seen at multiple levels.

Cultural and Ethnic Diversity: NYU is home to a large and diverse student body representing various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Throughout your time at NYU, you'll have the chance to meet and connect with students from a wide array of backgrounds, fostering a rich learning environment and unique experiences. The university encourages multicultural understanding and provides support through cultural centers and organizations specific to different communities, including the Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (CMEP) and the numerous multicultural clubs on-campus.

International Diversity: NYU has a high percentage of international students, making it one of the most internationally diverse universities in the United States. In fact, it's been reported that approximately 20% of the undergraduate student body at NYU comes from outside the U.S., representing over 115 countries. This international presence further enhances the overall diversity and global connections available to students at NYU.

Study Abroad Opportunities: NYU also places a significant emphasis on global learning, offering various study abroad opportunities through its 11 global academic centers and 3 global degree-granting campuses (NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai, and the main campus in New York). These opportunities give students unique chances to experience other cultures directly and expand their global perspectives.

Overall, NYU stands out for its cultural, ethnic, and international diversity, providing students with rich, multicultural experiences and a sense of global interconnectedness. By studying at NYU, you'll be exposed to a wide range of perspectives, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of different cultures and traditions.

25 days ago

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