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Ohio State vs Kent?

Hey guys! I'm trying to decide between Ohio State and Kent State. Any thoughts on the pros and cons of each? How do their academics, campus life, and extracurricular opportunities compare? Any advice would help, thanks in advance!

25 days ago

When comparing Ohio State and Kent State, it's essential to consider academic programs, campus life, and extracurricular opportunities.


Ohio State is a larger research institution known for its strong programs in business, engineering, and the sciences. It has a more comprehensive range of majors and resources, as well as a significantly larger research budget, which can provide great opportunities for undergraduate research. On the other hand, Kent State is known for its strong design, journalism, and education programs. Smaller class sizes at Kent State may result in closer relationships with professors.

Campus Life:

Ohio State, located in Columbus, boasts a lively urban setting with the added convenience of nearby amenities like shops and restaurants. Additionally, the campus is vast, with numerous academic buildings, athletic facilities, and green spaces. Kent State's campus has a more suburban feel, with plenty of green space and a more tight-knit community. In terms of social activities, both schools offer a variety of clubs, organizations, and Greek life, but Ohio State has a larger athletic presence, particularly with their football program.

Extracurricular Opportunities:

At both Ohio State and Kent State, numerous clubs and organizations cater to a wide variety of interests. Keep in mind that Ohio State's larger student body and research focus may lead to more on-campus opportunities for internships, undergraduate research, volunteer work, and connections with alumni. Kent State, with its smaller size, can offer a more intimate environment where students might have more leadership opportunities.

In summary, your decision should hinge on what you want to study, the campus environment you prefer, and the types of extracurricular activities that appeal to you. If you're looking for a larger research institution with robust athletics and a wide range of offerings, Ohio State could be a great choice. If you're more interested in a smaller, more intimate college experience and prioritize close relationships with professors, Kent State might be the way to go. Be sure to visit both campuses and talk to current students to get a better feel for each school's unique atmosphere.

25 days ago

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