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SAT: 720 math
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Any suggestions for colleges like Villanova?

Hey there! I'm a high school junior and I really like Villanova University - their campus, culture, and balance between academics and sports. I'd like to add more schools to my list that have a similar vibe. So if y'all can suggest any schools like Villanova, I'd be really grateful! Thanks!

24 days ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you find some colleges that have a similar feel to Villanova University. Here's a list of schools you might want to consider:

1. Boston College: Located in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, BC is a medium-sized private university with strong academics and a good sense of community. Like Villanova, it's a Jesuit institution and maintains a balance between sports and academics.

2. Marquette University: Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette is a mid-sized Jesuit university that values academics and community involvement. It shares similarities with Villanova in terms of sports enthusiasm and school spirit.

3. Georgetown University: This renowned university in Washington, D.C. offers rigorous academics and is also a Jesuit institution. Georgetown has a vibrant campus, active student life, and a strong sports presence.

4. University of Notre Dame: Although larger than Villanova, Notre Dame, which is located in Indiana, shares a similar commitment to academics and vibrant sports culture. It's a Catholic institution with a strong sense of community and excellent academics.

5. Loyola Marymount University: Based in Los Angeles, California, Loyola Marymount is a Jesuit university with beautiful campus grounds and a strong sense of community. Its location offers unique opportunities for internships and cultural experiences.

These colleges have characteristics similar to Villanova in terms of campus culture, academics, sports, and size. Visiting some of these schools, either in person or virtually, might give you a better sense of whether they'd be a good fit for you. Good luck in your college search!

24 days ago

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