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Top Journalism Schools Rankings?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to find the best journalism schools out there. Can someone provide me with a list or link to the rankings for journalism schools in the US? Thanks in advance!

24 days ago

Hi! Sure thing, I'd be happy to provide you with a list of top journalism schools in the US. Keep in mind that rankings can vary depending on the source, but here are some well-regarded journalism programs in no particular order:

1. Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism

2. University of Missouri - School of Journalism

3. Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism (Note: This is a graduate program, and there is no undergraduate journalism major at Columbia)

4. New York University - Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute

5. Syracuse University - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

6. University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

7. University of Florida - College of Journalism and Communications

8. Indiana University - The Media School

9. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Hussman School of Journalism and Media

10. University of Maryland - Philip Merrill College of Journalism

I encourage you to visit the websites for these programs and research further into their facilities, faculty, and curriculum to find the best fit for your goals and preferences. Additionally, remember to consider factors like location, campus culture, and financial aid when choosing a college. Good luck!

24 days ago

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