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Best colleges for fashion designing?

I'm super passionate about fashion designing, and I'm looking to apply to colleges that offer a strong program in that field. What are some of the best colleges for fashion designing in the US?

24 days ago

There are several excellent colleges and universities in the US known for strong fashion design programs. Here's a list of some of the top institutions to consider for pursuing your passion in fashion design:

1. Parsons School of Design (The New School) - Located in New York City, Parsons is one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world and offers undergraduate degrees in fashion design, as well as integrated design and strategic design.

2. Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) - Also in New York City, FIT is a top choice for fashion students due to its wide range of fashion-related degree programs, industry connections, and location in the heart of the fashion industry.

3. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) - Though primarily known for its fine arts programs, RISD offers a strong BFA in Apparel Design that focuses on both technical expertise and creative exploration.

4. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) - With campuses in Savannah, Atlanta, and Hong Kong, SCAD offers a renowned fashion program that emphasizes both creativity and industry knowledge.

5. Pratt Institute - Based in Brooklyn, New York, Pratt offers a BFA in Fashion Design that focuses on craftsmanship and innovation.

6. California College of the Arts (CCA) - Located in San Francisco, CCA's program combines fashion design with sustainability and innovation, preparing students to excel in the industry.

7. Otis College of Art and Design - Based in Los Angeles, Otis offers a BFA in Fashion Design that places a strong emphasis on hands-on experiences and collaborations with industry partners.

8. Kent State University - The Kent State School of Fashion offers fashion design programs as well as merchandising and fashion media, providing students with a diverse set of fashion skills.

9. Drexel University - Located in Philadelphia, Drexel's Westphal College of Media Arts & Design provides a fashion design program that prepares students to become innovative and adaptable professionals in the industry.

10. Academy of Art University - Situated in San Francisco, this university emphasizes creativity, technical skills, and industry experience in its fashion design program.

While these are some of the best fashion design programs in the US, be sure to research each institution thoroughly to find the one that aligns with your interests, career goals, and personal preferences.

24 days ago

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