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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Have you guys checked out UCLA's cost of attendance?

Hi everyone! I've been thinking about applying to UCLA and I'm trying to get a better idea of how much it will cost to attend. Can anyone who's researched this fill me in with details on tuition, housing, and other expenses? Appreciate any input!

a month ago

Sure, I'm happy to provide you with the cost breakdown for UCLA. Keep in mind that these figures are estimations and may change from year to year. For the 2024-2025 academic year, here's what you can expect:

1. Tuition and fees:

- California residents: $15,154

- Non-residents (out-of-state or international): $15,154 + $34,200 (Nonresident Supplemental Tuition) = $49,354

2. On-campus room and board: Approximately $18,369

3. Books and supplies: Approximately $1,641

4. Personal expenses: Approximately $2,226

5. Transportation:Approximately $778

Summing up all these costs, the estimated total cost of attendance (including tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies, personal expenses, and transportation) is approximately:

- In-state students: $42,127

- Out-of-state and international students: $76,327

Please note that these numbers are approximations and could vary depending on your personal expenses and preferences. Also, UCLA provides need-based and merit-based financial aid, so your net costs may be lower. Make sure to fill out the FAFSA and use UCLA's Net Price Calculator to get a more accurate estimate of your expected costs based on your specific financial situation.

Good luck with your application!

a month ago

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